I wrote a blog article about timing your email marketing, specifically calling out MerchantCircle for its sending of a lot of email marketing in the middle of the night.  I unsubscribed from their email marketing because my shiny new Droid was going off in the middle of the night because I got a new work email.  Yes, I could silence it, but I like being responsive to my clients.  Its part of what makes us different from other firms.

So after unsubscribing, I thought I would write a post about how other marketers, like me for our firm, could reduce their lost email subscriptions by making an easy time change.  I called out MerchantCircle because they were the most egregious of the bunch.

Imagine my surprise when Kevin from MerchantCircle writes in my comments that he’s fixed it.  It not only tells me that he’s seeking to provide value to me, but that they also get social media.  Bravo guys.  You got me back and hopefully a few more.
