Prediction – Sprint to get iPhone
We’ve been hearing a lot of hoopla about Verizon getting an iPhone. After reading a few articles like the one on engadget. I’m thinking that AT&T is losing exclusivity to Sprint.
I was wondering why AT&T would be removing its unlimited access plans and upping its termination fees. And why would they extend an olive branch to iPads before June 7th? Here’s what I’ve come up with: AT&T sees the writing on the wall and wants to lock users in. What better way to create lock-in than make the unlimited plan go away, but leave current users “grandfathered in”. Personally, I kind of find that action desparate and despicable. If my assumptions are true, than AT&T views its customers more like sheep to shear rather than a value-added partner. But I don’t run in the AT&T circles.
Why do I think its Sprint? Go to their website and click on the guy on the bench – the one that says “make your iPhone 4G.” Now you might think “so what? they’re just using a 4G router,” but Sprint has no interest in reminding you that they don’t have the iPhone. They want you to think of all the cool phones they have. Seriously, they have good marketing people. So I think it must be a primer for their iPhone.
In all, its still a guess. But we should find out soon. Let’s look to next weeks WWDC and find out!
Really interesting insight. AT&T is really getting a lot of headlines these past few days, especially with the release of their new data plan. Next weeks WWDC should clear some things up. I’m hearing the release date could be June 18th, but I’ll guess we’ll find out next week.