PROBLEM: PCLaw crashes right after you type in your password to your books.  In no way can you login.  You get the error message that “Windows Accounting Software for Lawyers has stopped working.”


FIX: Uninstall Internet Explorer 9, which should roll you back to Internet Explorer 8.  PCLaw cannot function with Internet Explorer 9 unless you have PCLaw v10 Service Pack 5 Hotfix 3.  Here’s the steps:

  1. Go to the Control Panel
  2. Go to Programs and Features
  3. Click on Installed Updates (in the left pane)
  4. Look under the Heading “Microsoft Windows”
  5. Right click on Windows Internet Explorer 9
  6. Select Uninstall
  7. Click Yes
  8. Click Continue
  9. Restart Your Computer

Explanation: PCLaw most likely uses Internet Explorer for some things under the hood.  Apparently IE 9 breaks compatibility with the functionality of older versions of IE.  Luckily, it looks like those who run XP will not be hit by the problem, as IE 9 won’t run on XP.


Hope this helps,


Sources:  Lexis PCLaw, Affinity Consulting, Microsoft Windows Support, Computerworld