Fix:  Change the Offline Printer’s Port to an Online Similar Printer’s Port.  As far I can tell, you can’t move the file / print job.  You can just trick the spooler to use a different port which is connected to a different printer.

  • Find a printer that is the exact same model (or very, very close).
  • Connect it to the computer and get it set up.
  • Go to Printers in the Control Panel.
  • Right click on the new Printer and select Properties.
  • Click on the Ports Tab.
  • Look at its port. (You may have to widen the column)
  • Right click on the offline printer and select Properties.
  • Click on the Ports Tab.
  • Check the Box on the port that matches the new Printer’s Port
  • Click Apply.
  • Click OK.
  • Right Click on the Offline Printer and say Use Printer Online
  • Click on the Printer Menu
  • Click on the Pause Printing Item (to uncheck it … If there’s no check leave it alone)
  • Watch as the Print comes Out!

Problem:  I had a friend who had printed a success page from a web page that he submitted very important documents.  Unfortunately, he exited the browser before he made sure the printout came out.  Worse yet, the print was assigned to an offline printer that no longer existed (we replaced that printer a while back).  His print job was stuck in an offline printer spooler with no place to go.  He wanted to move the print job from one printer to another printer.

Hope that helps.


Source:  Microsoft Answers