Rant: PayPal can email me, but won’t accept email responses
You know, I’m tired of the run-around by companies that feel free to contact me by email, but won’t accept responses from the email addresses they use.Case in point 1: PayPal PayPal sent me an email about using them to purchase some more. I wrote them back and said that I was hesitant because of all the bad press they’ve been getting. New fees and not a lot of disclosure.See: Consumerist Articles about PayPal’s New FeesThe email I got back was like this:”We want to help you but we’re not able to respond directly to emailssent to this address.One of the best ways to get answers to your questions is to go to thePayPal website and visit the Help Center by clicking “Help” at the topof the page.If you have a problem with limited access to your account, you’ll needto:1. Go to the PayPal website and log in to your PayPal account.2. Click “Resolution Center” at the top of the page.3. Follow the instructions in “Steps to Remove Limitations.”If you can’t log in to your account, you’ll need to:1. Go to the PayPal website.2. Click “Contact Us” at the bottom of any page.3. Click “Contact Customer Service.”4. Click “Continue” and follow the instructions.We value your business and want to provide you with the best customercare.”Utter BS. They care enough to have me click and login around their website to find some contact form which can send me another “you are important letter.”However, when they want my business, they feel free to email me directly and send me their thoughts. Sounds a little one-sided. Case in Point 2: ComcastI call and make an appointment for a downgrade in service (I don’t need a landline anymore) and I’m told I don’t need to be present. Comcast then blissfully sends out an email stating that I now have an appointment and that a person over 18 needs to be present. However, they don’t monitor their email, so I should feel free to waste my time calling them again to verify that I don’t need to be there. On the other-hand they have plausible deniability of anything they may say over the phone because I have written confirmation in my hand that I need to be there.Seriously, if you want to play the email game, then make it two ways.If you decide to go that route, then expect the person to blog about it rather than send it into your black hole contact form.Sheesh/rant
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